Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy
A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Training Academy
Job Announcement
General instructor - Basic Training
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Proactive Officer Safety
Course length
16 Hours
About the course
In this class, law enforcement officers will gain knowledge and understanding of the dangers and threats to law enforcement officers in the performance of their duties. This class will reinforce officer safety skill sets and explore the dynamics of threats to officer safety in a number of work related areas. During this class, officers will explore those critical incidents where officers have been exposed to dangers to their personal safety. Officers will explore topics through lectures, case studies, and videos. There will also be several guest speakers who have personally been involved in critical incidents.
Topics to be Covered
- Improving Your Officer Safety Skills
- Tactical Verbal And Non Verbal Communications
- Dynamics Of a Critical Incident
- Planning For a Critical Incident
- Positioning During a Critical Incident
- On Duty Incidents and Case Studies
- Habits and Routines
- Warrant Service
- Arrests
- Shots Fired Calls
- High Risk Tactical Issues
- High Risk Arrests
- Understanding the Suspects Mindset
- Suspect Weapons
- High Speed Pursuits
- Accidents
- Awareness of Potential Dangers to Officers
· Ambushing Law
Enforcement Instructor Bio:
Walter Purdy is the President and CEO of the Terrorism Research Center, a company based outside of Washington, D.C. that focuses on research, analysis and training. TRC seeks to provide the best professional practices in dealing with terrorism, contemporary operating environments, asymmetrical warfare and insurgencies. Mr. Purdy served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1982-1986 as a Presidential Security Specialist during the Reagan Administration. Mr. Purdy has served in the law enforcement community including six years as a police officer in Northern Virginia, various aspects of domestic and international law enforcement training and as the In-Service Training Manager with the Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy. He has coordinated a number of special projects and supported efforts by the US State Department and the Department of Justice. Mr. Purdy has trained thousands of law enforcement officers across the United States as well as been a keynote speaker at IACP Conferences. Mr. Purdy has conducted numerous law enforcement leadership programs, decision making and officer safety programs.
Mr. Purdy has also undertaken a number of special research projects to include: Faces of Terrorism, Worldwide Study of Truck Bombings, From Munich to Manhattan and Beyond: Lessons Learned From Thirty Years of Terrorism, Emerging Threats to the United States: The Triborder Region, Worldwide Study of Suicide Bombers and Attacks, The Hunter and the Prey: Omar Sheikh and Daniel Pearl, Europe’s Elusive Terrorist Organization: 17 November, Profiles of the Taliban Leadership, Suicide Bombings and Attacks in Afghanistan, and Defeating the Taliban: One Village At a Time.
He created and directed the Terrorism Research Center’s Training and Special Projects Division. Mr. Purdy has trained thousands of military, law enforcement and intelligence personnel. He has traveled extensively to the Middle East, Afghanistan and Asia. He is a member of the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs (CENSA),World Affairs Council, the Capital Leadership Council and serves as a member of the Pentagon’s Pakistan-Afghanistan Coordination Cell (PACC).
Has made numerous presentations on terrorism related issues to include: Massachusetts Conference on Counterterrorism 2001, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, SPAWAR, InfowarCon 2001, SIAC/New York Stock Exchange Executive’s Forum, NECP 2002, Fannie Mae, Terrorism Early Warning Group-Los Angeles, InfowarCon 2002, ABA, Techno-Security, ASIS Capital Region 2002 Countering Terrorism, Council of Security & Strategic Technology Organizations, AVSEC World 2003, International Aviation Security Conference 2003, TRCCON 2003, Government Symposium on Information Sharing & Homeland Security, Eastern District of Tennessee Counterterrorism Conference, 2003 Homeland Security Summit, NECP 2003, Broward CJA, Raytheon Executive Staff, International Air Lines Pilots Association, NVCJA, Homeland Security Summit, Joint Special Operations University, Tennessee Department of Homeland Security, National Capital Region Council of Government, DOE’s CAT Training, IED’s Asia 2005 Conference and recently chaired the IED Conference in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Purdy has provided analysis and comments for CNN, BBC News, NPR, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, CBC, the Brian Lehrer Show, New York Magazine, Time, USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, the Atlanta Constitution Journal, the Washington Times, the Washington Post, the London Sunday Times, the Herald, BBC Radio, Investors Business Daily, AP, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, The Tallahassee Democrat, St. Petersburg Times, CNS News, the Village Voice and other media outlets worldwide.