Northern Virginia Criminal Justice Academy
A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Training Academy
Job Announcement:
Basic Training Specialist. Click here for more details.

Five Stages of Interview and Interrogations
Course length
40 Hours
About the course
The Five Stages of Successful Interviews & Interrogations Technique has been designed to train individuals to follow a coordinated approach when conducting all interviews. The benefit of this approach is the interviewer develops better listening skills which translates into obtaining more relevant information, to include confessions.
Most experienced criminal justice interviewers recognize that statements, admissions and confessions obtained from a suspect are often successfully challenged in court. Today, the word “interrogation”, whether deserved or not, has a confrontational theme associated with it and defense attorney’s take full advantage this negative concept when contesting a confession in court. Needless to say, current interview and interrogation tactics and techniques have been placed under the microscope by criminal defense attorneys resulting in good cases, both the United States and Canada, being thrown out of court. Hence, the development of the Five Stages of Successful Interviews & Interrogations Technique Course.
Five Stages of Successful Interviews & Interrogations Technique has been designed by a practitioner who has conducted structured interviews for over 30 years. He routinely conducts interviews for law enforcement agencies and criminal defense attorneys which grants him a unique opportunity to discover new and effective methods of obtaining information.
The tactics and techniques taught in the Five Stages are all practiced techniques. The class demonstrates the importance of patience and developing important active listening skills. Attendees will be taught how a structured interview can result in obtaining new and relevant investigative information, detailed all-inclusive statements / admissions and comprehensive confessions which will withstand a defense attorney’s court challenge.
This course includes the viewing and analysis of several video taped interviews. Students are given the opportunity to practice and refine their interview skills as they view the videos. They also witness first hand the importance of patience, the use of active listening skills and the practical application of the techniques taught in this class. It should be noted that these training videos are real-life situations that have been recorded and some of the material is sensitive in nature.