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Managing Police Discipline and Accountability to Standards

Course length


About the course

Managing Police Discipline & Accountability to Standards
Creating & Maintaining the “Well-Disciplined” Organization

This is applied micro and macro-leadership training about the shaping of organizational culture through enhanced methods of human development and proper use of strengthened systems.

The need to use a lot of punitive discipline suggests a poorly disciplined organization. In a “well-disciplined” organization, systems work properly and people do what they’re supposed to do, including follow the rules. This seminar explains a variety of enhanced leadership initiatives, including focused policy and strengthened systems, to achieve “disciplinary” goals

Leadership styles can vary from leader to leader but adherence to certain key principles cannot. Leaders must put employees on clear notice of organizational standards. Those standards must then be consistently enforced. Disciplinary sanctions must be consistent and proportionate. In certain key respects, supervision cannot vary from supervisor to supervisor; overarching consistency must be maintained from workgroup to workgroup.

This requires a systemic approach to what historically was left to individual supervisory and managerial discretions. The program shows the need for organizational solutions to organizational problems. It helps first-line supervisors and mid-managers see a bigger picture, and reminds senior leadership – the “big picture” people – of the vital need still to mind the store and keep close watch on the “little” things. If you take care of problems while they’re small, you don’t get a lot of big problems.

Topics Include …

Strengthening Organizational Culture
The “Well-Disciplined” Organization
Professional Standards and Morale
Recruitment and Selection Systems
Keys to Fairness and Just Culture
Assuring Needed Clarity & Consistency
Proportionality in Disciplinary Actions
Making Progressive Discipline Work
Defining Supervisory Expectations
Unity of Command: One Voice
Proactive and Reactive Disciplinary Tools
Complaint Handling and Documentation
Quality Control Methodologies & Analytics
Routing and Analysis of Negative Data
Improving Early Warning Systems
Appropriate Use of Written Directives
Fitness for Duty Issues
Use of Force and High-Speed Driving
Managing Supervisory Discretion
Strengthening Community Policing
Reducing Fraternization and Nepotism
Activity to Negativity Ratios
Performance Evaluation and Discipline
The Power of Recognition Systems
Goal Setting and Attainment
In-Service Training/Testing/Assessment
Liability Prevention/Risk Management
Strategic Planning – Finding True North



45299 Research Place

Ashburn, VA 20147 


Hours of Operation



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